
Benefits and Privileges 会员礼遇及优惠

1. Dynasty Dragon Point Reward   皇龙积分奖赏

- Instant points accumulation for every ringgit spent    凡消费即可获得积分
(RM1.00= 1 Dynasty Dragon point)   (1令吉 = 1分皇龙的积分)


2. Birthday Special   生日优惠
- X2 points accumulation on your birthday month   在生日的月份将会得到双倍积分


3. Cash value   现金价值
- Every Dynasty Dragon point = 3% cash value   皇龙一分的积分 = 3%的现金价值


4. 10% Discount   10%折扣
- 10% off on ala-carte menu and dim sum   单点菜单和点心将享有10%折扣
- Enjoy special member discount on Member Month   在狂享月将会享有特别折扣


5. Free to Sign up 免费申请
- No register fee is require 不需申请费


*Terms and Conditions   条规与细则

The management has the right to change the terms and conditions without prior notice.
